
Before Upwardly Global:
Cosmetic Sales Associate
Current Profession:
Media Relations Specialist
Current Employer:

“You have to understand that you are not alone. You are actually in very good company. Take advantage of the support of people at Upwardly Global. They will be with you every step of the way, but it is you that have to keep going.”

A PR professional from Brazil, Gabriela, had extensive skills and experience. Still, she was unable to make the move from a survival job as a make-up counter sales associate to a professional position in the U.S.

While she was faced with many challenges and disappointments, even being told by some that she would never work in PR or communications with less than perfect English, Gaby never gave up hope.  After attending a Career Summit and working hard with the Upwardly Global staff and volunteers to hone and perfect her interview skills, she finally landed a temporary contract position.  For the next five months, she tirelessly juggled her contract job with her full-time job as a sales associate, and three-hour-long commute. After six interviews and a series of writing tests, Gaby was awarded a full-time position as a Media Relations Specialist.