There are many ways to give to Upwardly Global. We deeply appreciate your support.
Give by Mail or by Phone
Please make checks payable to “Upwardly Global.”
Mail checks to:
P.O. Box 24631
New York, NY 10087-4631
To make a gift by phone, please call: 212-219-8828, ext. 212

Donate Online
To make a one-time or recurring online donation, click here.

Give Monthly
Join the Welcome Society and extend welcome to immigrants, refugees, and asylees monthly.
Upwardly Global’s Welcome Society is a group of our most loyal supporters who provide steadfast, monthly support to thousands of immigrants, refugees, and asylees seeking to restart their careers in the U.S. Through monthly donations, Welcome Society members support and place more skilled and educated immigrants and refugees in thriving-wage jobs. Donate monthly.

Raise Funds
Raise funds for Upwardly Global. Host a bake sale, a birthday party, or any event you choose. Set a goal and invite your friends, family, and colleagues to get involved. We provide the tools! To get started, check out our Fundraiser Toolkit.

Give Stocks and Securities
Upwardly Global accepts donations of commonly held, publicly traded stocks. Your generous gift will be valued at the close price on the date of the gift. In keeping with IRS regulation, Upwardly Global can only accept donations of commonly held, publicly traded stocks. To learn more, contact Bea from our Donor Services Team at or call 212-219-8828, ext. 212.

Give through Donor-Advised Funds
By giving through your Donor-Advised Fund (DAF), you can recommend how much (and how often) you want to distribute money to Upwardly Global or other charities. You can also choose to have any remaining funds distributed to Upwardly Global after your lifetime by naming Upwardly Global as a beneficiary of all or a portion of the remaining funds.
To make an instant Donor Advised Fund donation simply click the DAFpay button below. DAFpay accepts hundreds of charitable giving account provider’s such as Fidelity, Schwab, Vanguard, and many more.
Upwardly Global’s tax ID is 94 -3346127. Questions? Contact Bea from our Donor Services Team at: or call 212-219-8828, ext. 212.

Give Through Your Workplace
One of the easiest ways to increase your gift to Upwardly Global is through your employer’s matching gift program. Thousands of companies, organizations, and associations match their employees’ charitable contributions — sometimes for as much as double the amount of the initial gift. To see if your company matches, check the Employer Matching feature when you make your online donation at
If you or your organization is interested in running a workplace campaign in support of Upwardly Global, check out our Employee Giving Toolkit for tips on how to get started, please email

Contact Bea from our Donor Services Team at or call 212-219-8828, ext. 212.