
Yusuf (and Luis)

Before Upwardly Global:
Current Profession:
Architectural Designer
Current Employer:
RISE Architecture

“I am very happy about my new position at a young and energetic design firm. The shared experience among colleagues from culturally diverse backgrounds is amazing. People come to the U.S. to be the best they can be and to contribute to advancements in their field–in return we hope to gain a decent life.”

Bribes, extortion, violence. This is what Yusuf saw everyday in his home country of Ethiopia. When he began to fear for his family’s safety, they sought asylum in the U.S.

Even with advanced degrees and more than a decade of experience as a business owner and instructor, Yusuf couldn’t find work in his field. After Yusuf came to Upwardly Global, we helped him set up an informational interview with Luis Cortez, a fellow program alumnus from Guatemala who now works at an architecture and design firm in New York City.

Luis was so impressed with Yusuf’s experience that he called the CEO to join their meeting.  Soon after, Yusuf was hired as an architectural designer, a position that was created specifically for him.