Foreign-born and internationally trained job seekers face barriers and challenges throughout their job search process in the U.S., including gaps in their resume, needing job-search strategy support, and more. In addition, they may face employer-implicit bias around unspoken cultural norms or work-authorization confusion. At the same time, employer partners and other corporations are challenged by finding qualified talent and meeting their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) objectives.
Upwardly Global works with employer partners to address these barriers through engagement with human resources and talent acquisition teams, CSR leaders, corporate foundation contacts, business unit leads, and interested staff champions through the following options:
High-Impact Volunteer Opportunities for Employer Partners
Upwardly Global offers a unique opportunity to enhance your company’s workplace culture through volunteer engagement. Our programs connect volunteer employer partners with immigrant and refugee professionals. Volunteers share experience and networks and develop greater loyalty and commitment to their employer when they are involved in meaningful social activity beyond work. Engagements range from one-time opportunities to ongoing leadership opportunities, including:
- Interview preparation
- Networking
- Industry-specific guidance
- Professional English skills practice
- Round-table discussions and panel events
- Professional mentorship
Talent Access
Through a variety of models, Upwardly Global provides employer partners with a highly educated, skilled talent pool made up of fully work-authorized newcomers. This skilled pipeline of diverse talent is prepared to make real contributions to your company.
Our candidates are:
- Work-authorized in the U.S. No sponsorship required. 1 in 2 is a refugee/humanitarian visa holder.
- Diverse. 75% identify with communities of color; 50% are men and 50% are women. Multilingual.
- Loyal and driven. Highly motivated and loyal to employers. 90% retention rate at 1-year mark.
- Global. International work experience. Represent 150+ different countries.
- Specialized. Average of 7 years' experience; over 50% have management experience.
- Educated. 100% completed a B.A./B.S. or equivalent; 50% have a master’s degree.
Inclusion and Cultural Sensitivity Trainings for Employer Partners
We provide DEI training and support to talent acquisition teams before recruitment even begins. Our inclusion trainings are designed to complement your existing suite of unconscious bias trainings. By focusing on behaviors that will allow you to be more inclusive of immigrants and refugees, you are setting the tone to be more inclusive of everyone.
DEI Thought Leadership, Branding, Media
By joining Upwardly Global’s 50+ employer partners, your company has a unique opportunity to become a leader in the DEI space by sharing the best practices we learn together along the way and co-creating media campaigns and opportunities (such as joint articles and social media campaigns) around your deep engagement with us.
Your company will have opportunities to share efforts to support diverse communities including immigrants and refugees, gain access to a high-level corporate round table, and share best practices with a range of businesses. Additional sponsorship opportunities include our annual Equity Gala and more.